
Online dating is narcissistic

Online dating is not the root cause of its birth in the network, but rather the people cheap air max shoes themselves, and the views, if you do not show their inner weak side, online dating which will invade your body and mind, online dating, ignorance is no longer a things, it changes. Online dating, a matter of whom the name of fear, it had learned ways to devour our families, eating our love, our feelings swallowed view we want to devour the living, it's in the conquest of our love, to conquer our own, no one can resist the temptation of the network, when the harm from the network when his back feel, the original network of love is so horrifying. Online dating, the beginning of narcissism is not online and found you, but you find love online. The beauty of online dating romance, so people have access to the Internet a virtual space of the network love, online dating attractive air max sale and unique, letting the flow of networking, more people in a deadly trap, in which the fall of intoxication. Although the open online and gorgeous flowers, the result is rarely to getting caught in one of the most painful thing. Keren and animals have feelings, or the correct attitude towards online dating, do not expect, do not hurt, do not easily release the inner feelings, maybe the best outcome. Ph.D. Developmental Psychology, Beijing Normal University, said: with the popularity of online dating entered the lives of many people. It should be said, love is human nature, the network is a tool. However, due to the improper use of the network, and the adverse psychological, distorted people's understanding of online dating. 4 articles this edition launched a new awareness of the network will contribute to better deal with their emotional lives. Despite the "courtship" in the academic community there are certain differences and disputes, but in real life have been "deeply rooted": that Internet users through Internet dating. Enter a search engine in nike air max 2010 the "courtship" is all kinds of information coming fast and furious. So How to Understand the "courtship" phenomenon? I believe that today's virtual world, the majority of online and are unhealthy narcissism performance. This view can be from the French thinker Jacques Lacan's theoretical basis is found. Jacques Lacan is a French philosopher, psychoanalyst, he proposed the famous "mirror stage". Children 6-18 months old in the mirror, the mirror will start a child means that another child, then the children can not recognize their own mirror image. Later, with growing up, nike air max 2009 the children recognize their own mirror image: "That is me!" At that point, the children filled with ecstasy. In Lacan's view, the child before the mirror in the process, including a double error recognition: when he refers to himself in the mirror like that to another child, is the "self" identified as "others"; and when will be recognized as their own mirror image, his vision of light and shadow in turn --- confused as the real truth and fiction, and thus began their life-long fascination with the mirror. Lacan further concluded that the formation of "mirror stage" of the premise, there is a shortage of denial and lack of imagination of the production of desire. Human infants have a long period, during which the child can not be independent body, not to perceive and grasp their whole body, and the only way to contact the outside world is visual. nike air max 90 Gestures in the mirror before the children, "affecting" their mirror image, a sense of control over the illusion of self and others --- for a behavior can not be independent of the children, it is a unprecedented power.

