
Taoism in modern society to guide us adjust the relationship between man and nature

First of all, Taoism can guide modern society we adjust the relationship between man and nature, nike air max 90 so to maintain coordination and harmony. The height of modern society due to industrial development, technological advancements, making the conquered people had powerful forces of nature, access to great wealth, on the other hand gave the destruction of nature with great effect, disrupting the natural harmony, destroyed the ecological balance, to the man himself caused great disaster, man is destroying his own. How to protect the ecological balance and natural harmony, it became one of the important world issues. This requires us to adapt better to modern society, the relationship between man and nature. In this respect the ancient Taoist Lao Tzu's "nature" of thinking, we can give great inspiration. I said: "People Act, the law of the heavens, Tao, Imitation of Nature." This means that people's behavior should follow the example of nature, subject to nature, nike air max 2009 moving in harmony with nature, and not contrary to nature, destruction of nature, man should be in harmony with the nature of the relationship, so that people and natural intercourse in order to maintain the living natural harmony and ecological balance, which also can protect the human environment and conditions for their survival. Therefore, each item on today's world of science and nike air max 2010 technology development are required to first take into account the harmonious relationship between man and nature, and should not be profit-oriented to individual people, individual regional and national self-interest in violation of this principle. Ancient sage Lao Tzu's "Imitation of Nature," the idea has been confirmed by the practice of the community, no matter how much people have to conquer the forces of nature, this truth, but a true, its light of wisdom, is guiding the people to the tune of modern society, the relationship air max sale between man and nature. Secondly, Taoism can guide modern self-psychological adjustment in order to promote the development of modern mental health. Mental health is a modern building of modern civilization is an important issue. Modern industrial society, new technologies, rapid updates, the surge in the amount of information, fast-paced, high-speed, environmental pollution, competition, bankruptcy and unemployment ... ... makes it all day in a spirit of high tension and fatigue, and that this will destroy cheap air max shoes a person's psychological balance, a psychological barrier, which caused in the community generally modern industrial disease, such as various degrees of mental illness, mental disorders, heart disease, high blood pressure and so on. I made the philosophy of Tranquility and Zhuangzi's detachment that all these ideas can be used with people linked to the psychological training. People through these psychological training effort, to the psychological adjustment to keep the psychological balance, which enables people in a complicated social conflicts caused by psychological conflicts before, without losing the balance of mind, causing mental and physical maladies . Thus, the Taoist theory of mental self-cultivation, self-psychology to guide modern tuning, in order to promote mental health will play an important role.

